Birthed in Blood
Birthed in Blood

E-book - Paperback - Hardcover

The life of princess Pyper in the world of Padarus seemed quite unremarkable until a strange and powerful vision sends two sisters, Pyper and London, on a quest to uncover the truth.

A fortuitous meeting with an elven warrior, Erindil, leads them to the Queen of Elves where it is discovered an ancient enemy has returned, Pyper learns the voice in her visions belongs to, what was thought, a long dead empress.

The rumours of war are getting stronger. The orc hordes are encroaching on Padarus. Pyper and Milal must head into the mountains to find the voice while London wishes to fight.

Faced with difficult choices, while those around them sacrifice everything, the two sisters are plunged into an ancient war that will engulf all of Padarus.










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