Birthed in Blood
Forged in Fire

E-book - Paperback - Hardcover

After the ambush outside Highvale and Pyper’s disappearance, London begins her training with Nyekazi to become So’Kyn as they decide to head north into The Deadlands. A meeting with an Etnami sees Nyekazi travel west to search for answers while London returns south to find her home in ruin.

Johan and Michael gather the northern forces and march against the enemy at Highvale. Defeat has them pushed back to The Cove where they prepare for their next battle against a sage.

Pyper embarks on her own journey through new worlds in her quest to find the Sceptre of Dragons before Ahimoth destroys them all. With her new companion, Cyran, she learns they are part of a much larger war, where the three sisters are the only ones that stand between light and darkness.

Will Pyper make it back to help her sister London in the war on Padarus, and what power does their sister Eve really possess?










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